Friday, December 11, 2015

Dec 9 - This is the weather today

what you can't see is that it's 65ยบ out. doesn't feel like december at all...

Dec 7 - 6 o'clock

6 o'clock is the time when our porch lights up!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Dec 6 - Shadow

Dec 5 - In the cupboard

Jars, jars and more jars. Nothing to actually eat but man they look pretty!

Dec 4 - Tiny

Tiny tiny birdy in my tree!

This tiny duck with a party hat was the "surprise" in the middle of one of those fizzy bath balls. In 2004. I have no idea why I've kept him around for 11 years other than I think he's smiling and that's a fun thing to see every morning.

Dec 3 - Silver

Since you're not putting your tree up this year, here is a reminder in all it's "silver" glory!

Dec 2 - Where I stood

It's not black and white checks but it's pretty close.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Dec 1 - Red

Red Flag danger
(which always makes me think of this song!)

Well hello, again!

We're back at it! Here's our December to - shoot list: