Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 180

What's your favorite device to access the Internet? Make a photograph of it today.

Day 179

Go high key today. Make a photograph that's all bright tones or dominated by white.

Day 178

Sunday challenge: Make a photograph with a photograph. Find a cherished print and compose it in a larger scene.

During a major de-clutter phase, I bought a digital picture frame and got rid of every framed photo in our house except my very favorite two: A shot of me & Big D at his Flight School Graduation Ball (that I'm sure you took, C) and this one of Beanie and Fletcher. While I was positioning it on our outdoor furniture, Fletch came to see what the heck was going on...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 177

Today's color is yellow. Find something that's yellow in color and make a photograph of it.

Day 176

Weekend whimsy. Make a photograph of something that tickles your funny bone. Caption it accordingly.

Elephant roll:

Day 175

Make a photo of elements that are strikingly different from one another to add tension and interest to your composition.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 174

Make a photo composed of interesting shadows today. Try composing with long shadows at the beginning and end of the day.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 173

Look for abstract shapes and designs today. Make a photo of a subject everyone has seen that's not easily recognizable.

Can you guess what it is?

Day 172

Leave something out today. Be visually brief. Shoot tight. Make a photo that's direct and to the point.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 171

Make a photo that creates depth. Draw the viewer in by choosing an interesting foreground, middle-ground, and background.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 170

Frame within a frame. Make a photo that uses an element--window, door, mirror, trees, etc.--to frame your main subject.

Day 169

Your viewer’s eye will tend to follow a line. Make a photo that uses leading lines to direct the viewer to your subject.

Day 168

Shoot wide open today. Make a creative photo that uses a shallow depth of field to good effect.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 167

Find the shape of a letter in something around you-- architecture, nature, or anything not in print--and make a photo.

The letter G (what else)

Day 166

Constraints can unleash creativity. Walk 1 minute in any direction, stop, find a subject, and make a photo.

The first visit to the Enterprise Farmer's Market this year.  Very successful.  Sweet corn for the first time ever fresh here.  Taste of home.  Yummy.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 165

Make a photo of a flag today: national, state, or otherwise. Try to compose it in a unique way.

This is the zip lock bag that Jym takes with him on a deployment.  There is a mix of pictures in there and the flag folded perfectly.

World Cup craze here in Germany is hard to describe. Every building, car and person is decorated.

Day 164

Challenge: Invent your own filter! Shoot through something translucent or transparent. Make a photo with a unique look.

The filter is a hand held ziplock bag.  I really like it.

I shot this through a crystal decoration that hangs on our kitchen window:

Day 163

Why wait for the perfect subject? Make a photo of something that is unfinished.

Rothko has been on my mind and this reminded me a little bit of something he would do, just not drastic contrast enough for me.  The back porch with the concrete stain not quite finished. 

Here's my unfinished snack and drink at a concert in Scotland. Lame, but I was trying to keep up with our project while I was on vacation :)

Day 162

Reduce, reuse, recycle. Look for an object that has been repurposed to give it new life, and make a photo.

At the Oxfam store on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh:

Day 161

Contrast subjects of different size today. Be subtle or make it obvious, it's up to you.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 160

Place or find a subject floating on water today---boats, leaves, ice cubes, etc.---and make a photo!

Day 159

Iteration or repetition of a subject makes for good composition. Look for a repeating pattern today and make a photo.

Day 158

Manhole covers have character and quietly tell a story. Make a photo of a manhole cover in your neighborhood today.

Day 157

Lens flare is typically avoided, but can be used deliberately to good effect. Make a photo with creative lens flare.

Edinburgh Castle on Prince Phillip's birthday:

Day 156

Using contrast in your photography can give you very artistic shots. Make a color photo with high contrast today.

Day 155

Make an interpretive photo of a subject or scene that sums up your mood today.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 154

Think of a favorite childhood sport, game, or activity. Make a nostalgic photo today.

Well... I didn't remember the instructions correctly and I thought it was a representational photo of something I liked to do as a kid. This isn't really nostalgic...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 153

Get down and get your knees dirty today. Find some plant life, get low to its level (close and wide), and make a photo.

Day 152

How do you get around: car, train, bicycle, plane, feet? Make a photo that represents your mode of transportation today.

When in Naples....