Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 208

Today's theme is the number 6. Make a photograph of the number six, six objects, or express six in an alternate way.

Day 207

Today's theme is the color pink. Find something that's pink and make a creative photo.

Can I cheat and post two? I can't pick which I like better...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 206

Challenge: The real world is in 3D. Make a photo that uses perspective or side light to create the illusion of depth.

This one was hard! I wish the bean bag was red or yellow so it is more visible.

Day 205

Make a photo that uses negative space to good effect. Give your subject room to breathe, and balance it within the frame.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 204

Double your art today. Make a photo of something you've created or crafted.

Waiting for tomatoes to sprout - I started this plant from seed.

Day 203

Rotate your camera today a bit and make a slightly off-angle photograph. Use the angle to emphasize your subject.

Day 202

It's summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Make a photo of a cool, refreshing drink. Go for something creative.

Day 201

Make a photograph that emphasizes a change in texture: smooth/rough, soft/hard, shiny/dull, etc.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 200

Ads promote removing wrinkles, but they often add character. Make a photo of something wrinkled, crinkled, or folded.

Day 199

Sunday Challenge: Compose an image that has a soft and dreamy look today, and make a photograph.

Day 198

Find something that's out of context today, natural or staged, and make a photograph.

Day 195

Make a photo from a low point of view. Go for a dramatic effect by changing the appearance of the size of your subject.

Either Stanley or Stella - not sure which...

Day 197

Everyone loves food photos! Make a close-up photograph of food you're enjoying on a Friday. Arrange for good lighting.

Day 196

Get creative with abstraction today. Make a photograph of patterns and/or shapes that aren't recognizable objects.

Day 194

Corners are everywhere. Make a photo of an interesting corner today, capturing its light and angles.

Day 192

Find a scene that's dominated by one color and make a photograph of it. Use light and shadow to accentuate detail.

Day 193

Focus on a fragment of an object today. Make a photograph that only shows part of an object, not the whole thing.

Day 190

Glass is a material that's used in so many different ways. Make a photograph of a glass subject today.

Day 191

Who are you? Make a self portrait today and show the rest of us what you look like.

Didn't we already do this? Ugh. I was creative last time. This time, I'm just checking the block.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 189

Make a photo with the number 4 in it one way or another. Maybe 4 items. Maybe a written number. Maybe more abstract.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 188

Look for an area with a big differential in light. Make a photo exposed for the brightest area, isolating a subject.

Another World Cup photo? Here's the candle on our table while Spain beat Germany :(

Day 187

Today's theme is the color blue. Blue sky. Blue plate. Blue M&Ms. Make a photo of something blue and post it today.

Day 186

Create an optical illusion using "forced perspective" today. Make a distant object appear closer than it actually is.

Day 185

It's Independence Day in the U.S (fireworks!). Make a photo with celebration as the theme, wherever you are.

Germany beat Argentina 4 to 0 in the World Cup - and EVERYONE rejoiced:

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 184

Find a sign in front of a vista that tells a story. (Don't walk on the grass.) Make a photograph and post it.

Trier, Germany

Day 183

Refresh from the summer heat today. Make a photo of water in motion. Freeze it or let it blur!

Day 181

Make a photograph of something circular and crop it within a square frame.

The Crypt at the Bastogne Historical Center (Battle of the Bulge Museum)

Day 182

Construction seems to be perpetual: streets, sidewalks, buildings. Make a photo of something under construction today.